Our Remediation Services
Katch Kan’s NEW Environmental Sustainability System (ESS) is a range of scientifically engineered products. Each Bio-renewable solution is designed to help speed up earth’s natural remediation process.
Working towards restoring complex global environmental issues.
Do You Know?
Oil spill cleanup cost could be between $2.4 billion and $9.4 billion dollars. The US government spent between about $860 million and $1.1 billion for oil spill removal costs and compensation for damages in 51 spills between 1990 and 2006. More importantly, the damage made to the environment is beyond monetary valuation.
Clean-up of contaminated soils is a cost-intensive and technically complex procedure. According to data from the Superfund program, the US spends between $300 million and $700 million annually on soil remediation.
The Conventional Way
Conventional methods of reclaiming contaminated sites traditionally relocate the contaminants or provide temporary relief, only deferring the problem for future generations. Katch Kan™ provides a safe alternative that allows earth to perform its long-lasting remediation process.
Oil Sand Experiments conducted to determine if oil sand ore could be separated into bitumen and sand without heat and pressure and if post processed oil sand tailings could be remediated rapidly in situ.
Results indicate yes to both questions!
The Katch Kan Way
The ESS products offer innovative solutions that save our environment for future generations, through its natural process of breaking hydrocarbon molecules to nano sized particles. Particles small enough the naturally occurring bacteria are capable of consuming. Helping restore our environment to its original state.
We do it in a cost effective, labor effective and the natural way.